
General information about multimeters, FAQs about multimeters


Attention - Dangerous Multimeter

The Hessian Market Surveillance, together with the testing laboratory of the trade association of precision mechanics and electrical engineering, has examined hand-held multimeters in their 2006 priority action. The report and video can be found at:

Download Videos
Using your measuring accessories
MM001: GMC Selection of DMM's (Digitalmultimeters)
MM002: Measuring Instrument usage above 2000 meters

Multimeter and Software

PG001: USB-RS232 COM-Converter

MM003: Fluctuating Display and loss of reading

MM004: Display doesn't zero

MM005: Cannot measure frequency

MM006: METRAport 40S / VAG 1526 - Duty Cycle measurement shows 0.0 % reading

MM007: Thermocouple measurement shows no result

MM008: METRAHit 29S and network disturbance