Why should the network quality be monitored?

Power Grid

Up to 46 percent of all serious data loss cases are tracked. Although the electricity grids in this country has an average availability of 99.98 percent, that means, the electricity is gone for 105 minutes every year. In addition, there are also regularly fluctuations in voltage that can affect sensitive computer systems almost as severely as a total failure. Money for your own uninterruptible power supply can be well spent.

Due to the rapid increase of non-linear consumers in the grid, the appearance (current) of current i (t) and voltage u (t) has changed. The clean sine wave generated by the generator is distorted by harmonics generated by non-linear consumers. Many devices such as computers, frequency converters, etc. do not tolerate the distorted voltage and go to fault.

Many companies underestimate the impact of poor-quality care. However, these can trigger unplanned, long down times, increased energy costs or premature machine wear. Due to poor quality of care, industry and trade incur costs of around \$2.8 billion per year.

All production stoppages can often be avoided in good time by monitoring the network. By capturing important electrical quantities such as voltage, current, frequency, etc., power profiles can be created; Energy consumption with its peaks and even energy costs can be seen. By controlling these parameters and detecting potential savings early on, you can save money.

Another point that should not be neglected is the stability of the tension as a quality feature. For many manufacturers, voltage quality is meanwhile used as an important quality indicator. It is not uncommon for producers to demand proof of the quality of the network from their suppliers.

Cost of poor Power Quality

 Business sector Typical financial loss per event
Semiconductor Manufacturing $42,560,000
Financial Trading $6,720,000 per hour
Automobile $630,000
Data Center  $840,000
Telecommunications $36,000 pro Minute
Steel Mills $392,000
Glass Industry $280,000